Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Change the Political System in the Country


The recent incident of a gang rape, battery and attempt to murder of a 23 year old girl, in the country’s capital, Delhi is not just a shameless and brazen act of criminality, indulged in by a clutch of hideous scum who disgrace and embarrass men as a species, but is also an all encompassing metaphor for the larger rape, loot and plunder of the country; symbolized and enacted on a near regular basis on the floor of the Indian parliament, without prejudice to either gender. The unfortunate girl has become a sacrificial lamb to arouse and engender the anger and wrath of the people of the country, to come out in such large numbers on the roads of Delhi, as can rattle both the Houses of the parliament, only to make a statement about the growing apathy of the government towards people’s issues. Women, of course, who continue to remain the physically weaker sex and not sufficiently empowered to take their rightful place in the social mainstream of India, are the worse off, only because they suffer the indignities hurled upon them because of their gender by both , the people and the institutions of the government. Every time an eventuality takes place in the social canvas of a city, town and village, it is then and only then that the government of the day or else the public institutions or administration gear up to prepare for another similar such happening. Whether, it is the series of incidents involving children falling into bore holes left uncovered and thus dying, or incidents of recurring impropriety indulged in by the very guardians of civil society against women, or the macabre hegemony of the Khap panchayats against boys and girls who develop friendly liaisons and fall in love, or rapes of innocent children, young girls and women by perverts among us or road rage resulting in acts of violence and even murder; the government and public institutions invested with the responsibility to preclude these from occurring or else happening are woefully unprepared or under prepared to either regulate or prevent these. In most such cases as come to public notice, thanks to the ever alert and vigilant media, which is thoughtlessly accused of sensationalizing matters for catching eyeballs, the police and the lower government functionaries are to be held accountable for dereliction of their duties and being insensitive to the woes of the people, for whom these are meant. This does not in any way exonerate the respective apex hierarchies and the people’s representatives, who are charged with the constructive onus of ensuring the security of the masses and the taxpaying public at large.
Today, the country stands at a historical crossroads, which undermines the credibility of the political system which we have adopted for ourselves and as enshrined in our constitution. Irrespective of the merit of the binding document which defines our System and its Constitutional ramifications, it cannot work for us. Only, because, we as a society and people are not worthy of it. We get the type of leaders and government within our political framework, which we deserve. Should we as a people want to bring about a much needed and welcome change into our political thinking, then it has got to be something which is not hackneyed and adaptive, but instead radical and out of the box. The choices therefore get limited and insinuate something as radical as a revolution in the country, which examines the possibility of considering an autocratic dispensation for a stated and predetermined period of time. Even though I am a votary to support the likes of the Aam Admi Party and civil society movements, which can keep a tight leash on our government and its institutions, but the manner and speed with which we repudiated our idealism and cultural values that, we swore by when we became independent from colonial rule, prognosticates a similar fate for the embryonic political party headed by Arvind Kejriwal. Therefore, it boils down to the postulate of being honest, upright, righteous, correct and competent only till such time, as one has not been sucked into the power game of Indian Politics. Then it is all the same, and it reduces itself into a comparative equation. Even though I may be read as tilting at the windmills, by making such a radical suggestion to replace the most evolved and progressive form of government, which is Democracy; yet it is probably the better of the two choices which we are headed for, the other being a blood bath supported by vested foreign interests.
It is heartening to see the crowds that, have spilled onto the roads and avenues of most cities and metropolises in the country, in anger and rage over the scurrilous act of five or more men who disgrace and mortify Indian society today; because it is this very sentiment and feeling against the ineptitude and hypocrisy of the political class and the government that, must get tweaked into a more enduring and all encompassing uprising against the POLITICAL SYSTEM obtaining within the country that has let down the NATION. The presence of the youth in this mass upsurge of disgust against the government of the day in Delhi and the Centre augurs well for the future of the country and it is this emotion which can shake the foundations of our polity for our collective good. An honest audit of the achievements of the political class in the recent past will bring India to shame like never before. Corruption, more corruption and yet more corruption. The political class has mastered the art of subterfuge and hypocrisy by which it confounds and inveigles the voter who elects its representatives, driven by hope for a better and dignified future, which articulates and embraces the promises as enshrined in the preamble to our Constitution.  This joke has been going on for too long and I only hope that the people are able to sustain their resentment against the entire political class and come out in a referendum in support of a change of the form of government. This is the state to which this scurrilous and self interest driven class of people, who represent us in the temples of democracy, have brought us to. We must think lateral and out of the box, to stymie the politicians from continuing to RAPE, PLUNDER AND LOOT THE COUNTRY.
Brigadier (retd) S D Dangwal

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