Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Ruin of Uttarakhand


The humongous tragedy that has struck the affected districts of Uttarakhand is the beginning of the end of the Congress party in the State. While in the political system which obtains in the country, the alternative to the Congress is a Hobson’s choice, and is the BJP. Not that it is any better than the existing Party, which comprises the government of Uttarakhand. But, in a morbid political system which abounds in the country and the States, politics is no more a people’s thing, that provides good governance and serves the needs and interests of the people. It is about power, arrogance, venality, self and plunder of the country’s resources, behind the veil of a republican democracy.  This is the manner in which the National and Regional political parties have interpreted the meaning and purport of democracy, and have hoodwinked the rural and semi urban masses by playing the card of religion, caste, creed and faith to ensnare them into exercising their ballot in favour of one party or the other. Political empowerment without social and economic empowerment has been the bane of this country. The Congress which has been in power and has formed the government in the Centre as also the States, for a greater part of the 65 years since we became independent from British rule, is the main perpetrator of this imbalance and has further exacerbated the situation by its flawed policies and a completely subjective interpretation of secularism in a pluralistic polity. Politics in India has not evolved but instead either remained stagnant or else deteriorated to abysmal levels of muscle and money power, which gets factored into the matrix of a populous vote bank strategy.
When Uttarakhand was given State hood in 1999 and Dehra Dun became its interim Capital, there was a complete vacuum in political leadership.  The able bodied or else those who were capable and had found their various callings in the country’s  mainstream activity in commerce, industry or public and private service were pre occupied and far removed from the opportunity that thus arose. Those who were left behind to dabble in kitchen, local, panchayat and municipal level of politics were thrown up by a quirk of fate to take centre stage and guide the destiny of Uttarakhand.  Thus, the quality of the political leadership which emerged was inadequate and challenged in its perception, about what should be the centre of gravity for the inclusive and wholesome development of Uttarakhand. The bureaucracy which side stepped from the Uttar Pradesh cadre was average and unaware of the demands of a hill State. The mix of these two categories of people who were responsible for and entrusted with the governance of Uttarakhand, made a complete mess of their charge and planned for its covert  destruction.
Real estate and property which had by now established itself as the main source of wealth elsewhere, in other developing and progressive States of the country, became a catchment for wealth in Uttarakhand too. And this is where the combined avarice and lust for lucre in the political class and the bureaucracy manifested itself. The Neta, Secretary, Collector, Developer and Builder nexus mushroomed and proliferated in an exponential manner, virtually raping the natural resources and putting a mix of iron and concrete where there was none earlier. Sustainable and symbiotic development in an environmentally and ecologically sensitive zone/area should have been the bottom line for all developmental work, but who cared? It was the money which was pouring into the coffers of the government’s representatives, from the spout of the land and construction mafia, which mattered. This is all that was of concern to this category of public servants, who have today become the merchants of death of the thousands who have lost their life in the present deluge and catastrophe. The topography of the Bhagirathi, Bhilangana and Alaknanda valleys has been permanently and irreversibly changed by the construction activity, which has besieged these areas; and all this in the name of generating hydro electric power from the river waters for the industrial demands of India. Uttarakhand and its people are paying a huge price for this demand; by their life and livelihood. How callous and hardnosed can the government be to those very people whom it has vouched to serve and protect.
While it is not my brief to canvass for the political fortunes of any political party, but the two governments which were headed by Narain Dutt Tiwari and Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, as also the present one of Vijay Bahugana, are guilty of the crimes of culpable homicide and of destroying the livelihood and culture of Garhwal, for which they should be proceeded against in either the courts of the country or else the people’s court.  My heart cries for my people and I appeal to those who feel similarly, to strengthen social activism against corruption and plunder of natural resources in Uttarakhand.
Brigadier S D Dangwal
5339,W 64th Street
Ridgeview Avenue
Minnesota 55439


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