Monday, July 30, 2012

From One Soldier to Another


Anna Hazare’s movement and the ongoing fast for the enactment of the Jan Lok Pal Bill, as a legitimate instrument for reining in corruption in the government, public life, business, lower level mundane administration and other such areas of concern; is assuming the dimensions of a social upsurge and is likely to draw in the youth into its fold, like never before. This must become a cause of concern for the government and the politicians, who have as yet been dilly dallying and prevaricating in the matter, by the use of the possible shenanigans of parliamentary procedures and technicalities. The time taken to build up a consensus in the matter has been inordinately long and therefore suggests a lack of conviction towards the same, and makes the intent on the part of the politicians and the government suspect. Whether the government will succumb to the public pressure thus generated by the enormity of the ongoing movement, is a matter of speculation and cannot be predicted with certainty. However, what is certain to happen, is the government and the politicians becoming more bold and intransigent, to not yield to any ingress into their turf of parliamentary privilege and supremacy, by those who are not otherwise eligible by constitutional right. For any good to come out from the movement, it has to become pan Indian in its perception and efficacy and must therefore rely heavily on the power of the ballot which the people exercise, to elect their choice of representatives and the consequential government.
Elections in the country, at most levels of the democratic framework, are to a large extent controlled by money power. National and regional political parties have relevance in our elections, because other than the collective philosophy which distinguishes their outlook, the expense is prohibitive. And hence, for anyone to get into politics without being a part of the established outfits is rather difficult and farfetched. Those who do it on their own are few and far between and ultimately lose their individuality by becoming a part of one or the other, whether in government or outside it. Therefore, is it any surprise that even a tall social leader like Anna Hazare is wary of joining politics, which demands large sums of money to survive and get elected? It is the curse as also the blessing of money, which to a great extent lures the credulous voter to affect his choice for their representative. Also, the fact that those who are interested in governance do not exercise their franchise. Thus we by and large, get the government elected by those who are not interested in governance. This, by and large is the prevailing reality in our country, as it obtains today.
When Anna Hazare talks about his plans for the coming general elections, which under normal circumstances are scheduled in 2014, it makes me rather uncertain and unsure about his understanding of how the system works? To transform the support base of people for his movement, into the likely vote bank of selfless and inspired candidates, who desire to contest elections, will be a disaster by any stretch of imagination. Should, the stalwarts of the movement even think of this stratagem to bring about a change for the future, they should be well advised to immediately drop this notion and think afresh. Because, otherwise, they will be sadly disappointed and their energy wasted in doing something, which they should have never even attempted. The politicians and the government are secure in this reality about the Indian democratic system, and it is this which makes them condescending to suggest that ‘we will wear out the social activists and their movement’. Money power and keeping the coffers of the political parties ever growing by manufacturing scams of various degrees and sizes, is the recipe to presage political power and administrative control. The polity of this country is aware of this truth and there are few exceptions to this culture. The constraints of coalition politics as an available excuse to ignore deeds of corruption, is nothing more than a lie which travels half the globe before truth puts its boots on; and when it does the lies gets caught. This is what we have seen happening in our country in the past three to four years. There are even very strong rumours in circulation, that to avoid the continuous demand for bringing back black money deposited in foreign banks, a powerful politician has opened two international banks in Scotland and some other country abroad, which will now become the conduit for delivering and holding the slush money. The government dithering in its action to disclose the accounts of the guilty, that have stacked their ill gotten personal and party wealth in the tax free havens, could be explained by this ruse. That is the power of money and its accompanying political power, which it begets.
Therefore, Anna Hazare should be well advised to continue what he is adept and capable of doing, and not get sucked into harbouring any thoughts of the movement transiting into a political adventure, in the near or even distant future. The political choices which the people have in the States and the Centre will continue to hold sway and it is there that the difference should be made. By and large the choices are similar in their capacity to loot and rampage national wealth and the tax payer’s money, but the idea of exercising a choice and voting out a government, is the only leverage which the people have. The ongoing movement must be replaced by a call for a revolution in the country, which brings the Armed Forces into power at the Centre, with an arrangement to continue with democracy and the federal structure in the States, as premised in the Constitution. This could be a via media to think and develop upon for Anna Hazare. The modalities for this arrangement can be worked out by the Constitutional, Judicial, Political, Administrative, Armed Forces and Social Sciences experts, who can do this as an enduring service to the Nation and its People.

‘Rebel With A Cause’
Brigadier (retd) S D Dangwal

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