Monday, July 23, 2012

If you want to predict the future, make it


Notwithstanding the spate of scams which have spilled out in the recent past into the public domain, the NDA job scam has mobilised opinion within the serving and veteran community of the Armed Forces and the Army; about the pathetic level to which rectitude and probity has nose dived in the official conduct of senior officers; to a new low in all times. I did a story on what was reported by the news media about this latest of scams in the ‘Cradle for Leadership’, but with a different perspective drawn from my knowledge about things as they obtain and experience in the Army. The essence of the story is the ‘wheel within a wheel’ type of situation which prevails, wherein, the perpetrator of the wrong is inveigled into doing so by the authority which is essentially there to prevent it from happening. This did receive a large response from the brotherhood to which we belong and all were unequivocal in their condemnation of the incident and urged me to continue with the good job of writing forthrightly and in a sledge hammer style to make my point. It can well become a forerunner to many more such stories and writings, which castigate and haul the guilty over the coals, with a single point agenda of cleansing the System of muck, and more muck   A former commandant of a premier officer’s training establishment in Mhow, who was aware of the desire of students to do well in their career courses and achieve above average grading; probably much beyond their ability and capacity to do so by fair means, exploited this tendency by euphemistically ‘stealing the affections of a brother officer’s wife’. Not only this, acts of financial impropriety of all dimensions, big and small, are done under the umbrella of official protection provided by the superior officer, who is placed in the military hierarchy to ensure that it does not happen. Most important inquiries that are conducted in the Army, which are meant to investigate into financial bungling and material misdemeanours, are manipulated at the behest of the convening authority, to dilute the quantum and degree of the wicked deeds. Unless a senior officer has been blatantly stupid or else has rubbed someone in the organisation on the wrong side, the chances of his misdeeds getting discovered are very remote. The market forces have equally seized the officer cadre in the Forces and in an attempt to keep up with the Joneses, they too have yielded to the glitter of lucre.
The Annual Confidential Report (ACR), initiated on officers is an effective and worthy instrument to evaluate individual competence, ability and potential for growth within the organisation. Any suggestion to do away with this practice is considered detrimental to the interest of the Forces and its leadership, because, there is none better, as of now, to replace it with. Be that as it may, the reporting system is also hemmed in by the fact that, the ACR is initiated and reviewed by superiors and humans, in a linear manner. This is where the problem is, given the culture which has besieged its officers in the wake of the economic liberalisation, material affluence, growing middle class and falling values; where success is pedestalised in society, irrespective of the means to it. Rank in the Forces is a symbol of this societal success, which has become the Holy Grail for most ambitious officers to get, at any cost. Along with career growth in the Forces which is identified with rank, are the accompanying privileges that attend upon seniority and status. Moreover, the political leadership in the country which is mired in gross acts of venality and impropriety lacks the quality to inspire and enthuse; instead providing an alibi for acts of unrighteousness at most levels of public life and which most unfortunately includes the Forces, too. But, howsoever corrupt the politicians, bureaucracy, corporate world, lower functionaries in the civil administration and the judicial system may be; it can never be used as an argument to justify and reason growing corruption and lack of probity and rectitude in Service life and living.  
The likelihood of something unwelcome happening is an unwelcome emotion which consumes the young leadership of the Forces, more so when it approaches the transition stage from a junior to a middle rung leader; just about to grow in rank and become a commanding officer. The three essentials of leadership, which adorn an officer’s personality being character, competence and courage are judged by his superior and reported on. The cumulative assessment of the reports, among other inputs, becomes the basis for promotion and growth. For the two traits of character and courage, the assessment is personality oriented and subjective, to a very large extent. While physical courage is tangible and can be assessed objectively, it is the moral courage, the sine qua non of character which becomes an unfortunate casualty in the being of a competent officer who rightfully nurtures an ambition to grow and get promoted. Competence is seen and evaluated on the basis of course results, examinations passed, nominations for higher learning, instructional tenures and execution of command at the ground level. Therefore, this is largely empirical and quantifiable in its perception and not much scope remains for its manipulation, except in manoeuvring to obtain an improved course grading than what is deserved, and improve one’s profile to accrue qualitative advantage thereof. The military values imbibed by the young and junior officers, their degree of military motivation and proclivity to live a clean and upright life, slowly starts metamorphosing into something quite distant and at variance with their ideal in an insidious manner, till such time the damage to their personality is complete, irreversible and self justifying. The lure of rank, privilege and lucre sacrifices character at the altar of success and greed.  All such General and equivalent ranked officers, who have gained notoriety on account of their venal actions in the recent past, travel through a similar path of expediency than righteousness. The transformation is what produces a long list of such officers who disparage the reputation of the Forces and do discredit to its image.
The choice therefore, for a young and junior officer who has not as yet been bitten and contaminated by the poison of corruption, is to make a solemn commitment to himself, to seize the first opportunity which comes his way to stand up against any wrong that gets done , and more so that of his superior. Because, it is only then that he will be able to overcome the phantoms which are more fearsome than reality itself. And, reality when calmly analysed and its consequences willingly accepted looses much of its negativity and terror. I am sure, the young and junior leadership of the Forces abhor murkiness in their life and living, which is contrary to the high ideals with which they join the Military; and which gets idolised in the credo of their respective pre commission training establishment of the Army, Navy and the Air Force.  So, if you want a better future for the Forces and the Country, ‘make it by choice and not by chance’.   

‘The Rebel with a Cause’
Brigadier (retd) SD Dangwal


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